México alcanza 110 mil muertes y suma un millón 182 mil contagios
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO. | 7 de diciembre de 2020.
] Latinus.
México alcanzó este lunes las 110 mil 74 muertes por Covid-19, mientras que suman en el país un millón 182 mil 249 casos positivos, según la Secretaría de Salud.
En 24 horas, al informe se agregaron 357 fallecimientos y 6 mil 399 contagios de coronavirus.
La tasa de mortalidad por la epidemia es de 9.3%, de acuerdo con el reporte técnico presentado en Palacio Nacional.
José Luis Alomía, director de Epidemiología, precisó que hay 35 mil 223 contagios sospechosos con posibilidad de resultado.
La Secretaría de Salud estima que en el país hay un millón 354 mil 56 casos de Covid-19. Este indicador se calcula al sumar el millón 182 mil 249 de contagios y aquellos que podrían ser confirmados por el porcentaje de positividad.
México es el cuarto país con más muertes por Covid-19 en el mundo. India se ubica en tercer lugar con 140 mil 573; Brasil está en el segundo con 177 mil 317; y Estados Unidos se mantiene en la cima con 283 mil 621, de acuerdo el conteo de la Universidad Johns Hopkins.
- Published in ESPECTACULARES, Trends
Semaren solicita investigar, castigar y compensar daños ambientales causados por Termoeléctrica en Petacalco.
CHILPANCINGO. | 3 de diciembre de 2020.
] Semaren Guerrero / Comunicado.
Derivado de noticias relacionadas con un posible derrame de combustóleo en la Central Termoeléctrica “Plutarco Elías Calles”, ubicada en la comunidad de Petacalco, municipio de La Unión, la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales en Guerrero (Semaren) solicitó a la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Profepa) y la Procuraduría de Protección Ambiental del Estado de Guerrero (Propaeg) «investiguen, castiguen, remedien y compensen las posibles afectaciones al patrimonio natural» ocasionados en ese territorio de la Costa Grande guerrerense.

Arturo Álvarez Angli. | Secretario del Medio Ambiente en Guerrero.
Semaren lamentó que tanto Profepa como Propaeg, y la misma CFE, hayan informado que no existe denuncia formal sobre el incidente reportado por pescadores de Petacalco desde el pasado 30 de noviembre y, que por ende.
El día de ayer, la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) dio a conocer, a través de la Coordinación de Comunicación Corporativa, «dicha información es completamente falsa», pues solo se encuentran «realizando trabajos de mantenimiento en uno de sus tanques de almacenamiento para drenar agua de lluvia», sin embargo, pescadores del lugar dicen lo contrario.
Para aclarar detalles, el secretario del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales en Guerrero, Arturo Álvarez Angli, solicitó de manera formal a la Profepa y a la Propaeg realicen un recorrido de inspección en la zona e informen de posibles anomalías o, en su caso, o verifiquen la información proporcionada por CFE para que la alerta emitida por pescadores de la zona se descarte.
De igual forma, Álvarez Angli instruyó que, en caso de verificarse tales aseveraciones como verídicas, «en el ámbito de sus competencias», Profepa y Propaeg procedan con la denuncia formal para que se «castiguen, remedien y compensen las afectaciones al patrimonio natural».
- Published in ESPECTACULARES, Trends
COVID-19 | Singapur lanza su primer crucero ‘a ninguna parte’
] SINGAPUR. * 6 de noviembre de 2020.
– » Efe « –
Singapur comenzó este viernes con sus viajes piloto de cruceros «a ninguna parte», que tienen salida y destino en esa ciudad-Estado. Los recorridos de dos o tres noches permiten disfrutar de la estadía a bordo, eliminando las escalas.
Con fuertes medidas sanitarias que permiten calibrar la futura reanudación de los cruceros tradicionales, con escalas en diversos puertos e itinerarios internacionales, zarpó el primer viaje «a ninguna parte» del barco World Dream.
La embarcación, operada por la naviera Genting Cruise Lines, inició su viaje hacia altamar en un concepto que en inglés fue bautizado como «seacations» (vacaciones en el mar), parafraseando el término «staycations» (vacaciones en casa).
El barco no atracará en otros puertos y tiene un aforo limitado al 50% de su capacidad. Ofrece actividades como shows de teatro, restaurantes y bares, un parque acuático e instalaciones de spa y sauna.
El World Dream ha superado los controles impuestos por las autoridades locales a fin de evitar la propagación de la covid-19 y para asegurar unos protocolos sanitarios, entre ellos controles de temperatura al embarcar y al desembarcar y medidas de distancia social, entre otras.
Toda la tripulación ha tenido que superar una cuarentena de 14 días a su llegada a Singapur y dar negativo en los controles para detectar el virus.
En octubre, durante la presentación de los viajes piloto, el director del Departamento de Turismo de Singapur, Keith Tan, dijo que estos viajes aportan «una valiosa oportunidad para que los operadores reinventen la experiencia de los cruceros con el objetivo de recuperar la confianza de los pasajeros».
De momento, estos viajes están limitados solo a singapurenses o residentes en el país, que previamente habrán de someterse a la prueba para detectar la covid-19.
Más adelante, la naviera Royal Caribbean Internacional también podrá operar cruceros «a ninguna parte» desde Singapur.
Si bien algunos países han comenzado a permitir los cruceros, con limitaciones, el sector todavía se encuentra lejos de retomar la actividad previa a la pandemia.
La aerolínea de bandera singapurense Singapore Airlines descartó a finales de septiembre el plan para ofrecer «vuelos a ninguna parte», que despegan y aterrizan en el mismo aeropuerto, tras la polémica causada por la contaminación que causarían.
Sin embargo, otras compañías aéreas como la australiana Qantas o la japonesa ANA continúan con sus planes de vuelos sin destino.
- Published in ESPECTACULARES, Trends
Know A Travel Pro’s Tips For Staying Moisturized On Long Flights
When Rachel Zegler, a 17-year-old high school student from New Jersey, posted a tweet of her singing a pitch perfect cover of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s «Shallow» back in December, she went viral. To date, the 30-second clip has over 83,000 retweets and 335,000 likes. Now, just a month later, the teen has been chosen to star opposite Ansel Elgort as Maria in Steven Spielberg’s remake of West Side Story.

Sunshine and eyebrows
Wondering who Rachel Zegler is before you hit the theaters? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered: Here’s everything you need to know about the budding actress before she makes her film debut in the remake of the 1961 classic. Rachel Zegler is a 17-year-old singer/songwriter and self-professed theater kid from New Jersey. She has a YouTube channel with 85,000 followers that has videos of her singing covers of her favorite songs and clips from her life in the theater. According to her YouTube page, Zegler’s previous roles include Belle in Beauty and the Beast, Cosette in Les Miserables, Mimi Marquez in RENT, and other local productions. Coincidentally enough, she also played Maria in West Side Story, which will now be her first role on-screen.
How did she get cast?
Spielberg began casting for the role back in January 2018 while he was filming the fifth Indiana Jones installment. Dedicated to keeping the movie as «ethnically authentic» as possible, the production put out an open casting call for Latinx actors. Zegler responded to the call with a video of herself singing «Tonight» and «Me Siento Hermosa,» according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Who will she be starring alongside?
Ansel Elgort will be starring opposite Zegler as Tony, a former member of a white gang called the Jets, while Zegler plays the younger sister of a Puerto Rican gang leader. Ariana DeBose (Hamilton, A Bronx Tale: The Musical, Summer: The Donna Summer Musical) will star as Anita, David Alvarez (Billy Elliot: The Musical) as Bernardo, and Josh Andrés Rivera (Hamilton) as Chino.
“I am so thrilled to be playing the iconic role of Maria alongside this amazing cast,” Zegler told The Hollywood Reporter. “West Side Story was the first musical I encountered with a Latina lead character. As a Colombian-American, I am humbled by the opportunity to play a role that means so much to the Hispanic community.” There is no official release date for West Side Story yet, though filming is anticipated to begin this summer.
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- Published in Publicidad Comercial, Trends
How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe That Will Last a Lifetime
The Christmas countdown is officially on! And how do we know? Because the Marks & Spencer Christmas advert has just hit screen. And the star is a certain Holly Willoughby – and her enviable wardrobe. We can’t stop thinking about the fabulous purple coat that she wears during the ad – which is FINALLY available to purchase now.
Although it was released in store earlier this month, you can now purchase it online for £89. The single-breasted design has already proved a massive hit on Instagram, due to not only the gorgeous wide lapels, the on-trend, oversize fit and super cosy wool texture – but also the fact that Vogue Williams, Holly and fashion blogger Erica Davies have all rocked it. Now if you don’t know who Erica Davies is – let us enlighten you. Erica is a huge fashion influencer and has always been a big fan of M&S, having single-handedly made THAT starry-print constellation dress a sellout last year.
Speaking about how to style the purple coat of dreams, the chic mother-of-two advised: «Do not fear the purple hue. It works SO WELL with navy blue, bright yellow (yes really), orange or red AND emerald green. It’s a completely useful shade if you want to inject some colour into your life. And who doesn’t want that? We couldn’t agree more, E.

Second earth deep abundantly winged appear air can’t earth
She added: «I used to feel like I could only wear a certain type of clothing and I think sometimes you just get stuck in a bit of a rut and wear the same thing over and over again and you create rules for yourself, you think ‘ooh I can’t wear trousers because I’ve got a big bum’ and you create some sort of rule book of your own and sometimes you’ve just got to go ‘right, I’m going to tear up that rule book and I’m going to experiment or I’m going to find my trouser, or I’m going to find my V-neck top or I’m going to find the place that does the perfect T-shirt’. It’s about finding the right things.»
“Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.”
Ali, who gave birth to the couple’s baby daughter Isla in September, looked gorgeous in a black maxi dress that featured an off-the-shoulder neckline. Holly was also her typically stylish self, wearing a white summer dress, while Scarlett looked lovely in a zebra-print number.
The gang, who were joined by their other female friends and I’m a Celeb co-host Dec, appeared to be in high spirits as they were pictured chatting and laughing. It’s all go-go-go for the cast as I’m a Celeb returns on Sunday night. This year’s celebrity campmates are expected to be revealed the day before but the various star sightings at Brisbane Airport have already given the game away.
- Presenters Holly and Dec have also been drumming up excitement over on their social media accounts.
- The This Morning star shared a photo of the pair on Instagram.
- Holly and I are looking forward to welcoming you to Australia next Sunday night.
There’s only a week to go before I’m a Celebrity returns to screens, and ahead of the launch, show’s leading ladies have been enjoying some downtime together. Presenter Holly Willoughby, who has stepped in for Ant McPartlin this year, was pictured having a laugh with Scarlett Moffatt, who co-hosts the spin-off show, I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp. The TV stars were joined by Declan Donnelly’s wife Ali Astall on their day out in New South Wales, Australia. Photographed in a suitably verdant setting alongside her co-presenter, Holly looked ready to take on anything with a retro Cowgirl-esque outfit. Dressed in the supercool Danish brand Ganni, a.k.a the go-to designer for influencers worldwide, Holly wore the ultra cute ‘Salvia’ suede mini skirt in dark camel with frill detailing that buttoned all the way up at the front.
- Published in Makeup, Publicidad Comercial, Trends
H&M has launched a rainbow-heavy Pride collection
The Christmas countdown is officially on! And how do we know? Because the Marks & Spencer Christmas advert has just hit screen. And the star is a certain Holly Willoughby – and her enviable wardrobe. We can’t stop thinking about the fabulous purple coat that she wears during the ad – which is FINALLY available to purchase now.
Although it was released in store earlier this month, you can now purchase it online for £89. The single-breasted design has already proved a massive hit on Instagram, due to not only the gorgeous wide lapels, the on-trend, oversize fit and super cosy wool texture – but also the fact that Vogue Williams, Holly and fashion blogger Erica Davies have all rocked it. Now if you don’t know who Erica Davies is – let us enlighten you. Erica is a huge fashion influencer and has always been a big fan of M&S, having single-handedly made THAT starry-print constellation dress a sellout last year.
Speaking about how to style the purple coat of dreams, the chic mother-of-two advised: «Do not fear the purple hue. It works SO WELL with navy blue, bright yellow (yes really), orange or red AND emerald green. It’s a completely useful shade if you want to inject some colour into your life. And who doesn’t want that? We couldn’t agree more, E.

Second earth deep abundantly winged appear air can’t earth
She added: «I used to feel like I could only wear a certain type of clothing and I think sometimes you just get stuck in a bit of a rut and wear the same thing over and over again and you create rules for yourself, you think ‘ooh I can’t wear trousers because I’ve got a big bum’ and you create some sort of rule book of your own and sometimes you’ve just got to go ‘right, I’m going to tear up that rule book and I’m going to experiment or I’m going to find my trouser, or I’m going to find my V-neck top or I’m going to find the place that does the perfect T-shirt’. It’s about finding the right things.»
“Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.”
Ali, who gave birth to the couple’s baby daughter Isla in September, looked gorgeous in a black maxi dress that featured an off-the-shoulder neckline. Holly was also her typically stylish self, wearing a white summer dress, while Scarlett looked lovely in a zebra-print number.
The gang, who were joined by their other female friends and I’m a Celeb co-host Dec, appeared to be in high spirits as they were pictured chatting and laughing. It’s all go-go-go for the cast as I’m a Celeb returns on Sunday night. This year’s celebrity campmates are expected to be revealed the day before but the various star sightings at Brisbane Airport have already given the game away.
- Presenters Holly and Dec have also been drumming up excitement over on their social media accounts.
- The This Morning star shared a photo of the pair on Instagram.
- Holly and I are looking forward to welcoming you to Australia next Sunday night.
There’s only a week to go before I’m a Celebrity returns to screens, and ahead of the launch, show’s leading ladies have been enjoying some downtime together. Presenter Holly Willoughby, who has stepped in for Ant McPartlin this year, was pictured having a laugh with Scarlett Moffatt, who co-hosts the spin-off show, I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp. The TV stars were joined by Declan Donnelly’s wife Ali Astall on their day out in New South Wales, Australia. Photographed in a suitably verdant setting alongside her co-presenter, Holly looked ready to take on anything with a retro Cowgirl-esque outfit. Dressed in the supercool Danish brand Ganni, a.k.a the go-to designer for influencers worldwide, Holly wore the ultra cute ‘Salvia’ suede mini skirt in dark camel with frill detailing that buttoned all the way up at the front.
- Published in Publicidad Comercial, Trends
Jamie Oliver has designed a limited edition range of trainers
The Christmas countdown is officially on! And how do we know? Because the Marks & Spencer Christmas advert has just hit screen. And the star is a certain Holly Willoughby – and her enviable wardrobe. We can’t stop thinking about the fabulous purple coat that she wears during the ad – which is FINALLY available to purchase now.
Although it was released in store earlier this month, you can now purchase it online for £89. The single-breasted design has already proved a massive hit on Instagram, due to not only the gorgeous wide lapels, the on-trend, oversize fit and super cosy wool texture – but also the fact that Vogue Williams, Holly and fashion blogger Erica Davies have all rocked it. Now if you don’t know who Erica Davies is – let us enlighten you. Erica is a huge fashion influencer and has always been a big fan of M&S, having single-handedly made THAT starry-print constellation dress a sellout last year.
Speaking about how to style the purple coat of dreams, the chic mother-of-two advised: «Do not fear the purple hue. It works SO WELL with navy blue, bright yellow (yes really), orange or red AND emerald green. It’s a completely useful shade if you want to inject some colour into your life. And who doesn’t want that? We couldn’t agree more, E.

Second earth deep abundantly winged appear air can’t earth
She added: «I used to feel like I could only wear a certain type of clothing and I think sometimes you just get stuck in a bit of a rut and wear the same thing over and over again and you create rules for yourself, you think ‘ooh I can’t wear trousers because I’ve got a big bum’ and you create some sort of rule book of your own and sometimes you’ve just got to go ‘right, I’m going to tear up that rule book and I’m going to experiment or I’m going to find my trouser, or I’m going to find my V-neck top or I’m going to find the place that does the perfect T-shirt’. It’s about finding the right things.»
“Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.”
Ali, who gave birth to the couple’s baby daughter Isla in September, looked gorgeous in a black maxi dress that featured an off-the-shoulder neckline. Holly was also her typically stylish self, wearing a white summer dress, while Scarlett looked lovely in a zebra-print number.
The gang, who were joined by their other female friends and I’m a Celeb co-host Dec, appeared to be in high spirits as they were pictured chatting and laughing. It’s all go-go-go for the cast as I’m a Celeb returns on Sunday night. This year’s celebrity campmates are expected to be revealed the day before but the various star sightings at Brisbane Airport have already given the game away.
- Presenters Holly and Dec have also been drumming up excitement over on their social media accounts.
- The This Morning star shared a photo of the pair on Instagram.
- Holly and I are looking forward to welcoming you to Australia next Sunday night.
There’s only a week to go before I’m a Celebrity returns to screens, and ahead of the launch, show’s leading ladies have been enjoying some downtime together. Presenter Holly Willoughby, who has stepped in for Ant McPartlin this year, was pictured having a laugh with Scarlett Moffatt, who co-hosts the spin-off show, I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp. The TV stars were joined by Declan Donnelly’s wife Ali Astall on their day out in New South Wales, Australia. Photographed in a suitably verdant setting alongside her co-presenter, Holly looked ready to take on anything with a retro Cowgirl-esque outfit. Dressed in the supercool Danish brand Ganni, a.k.a the go-to designer for influencers worldwide, Holly wore the ultra cute ‘Salvia’ suede mini skirt in dark camel with frill detailing that buttoned all the way up at the front.
- Published in Publicidad Comercial, Trends
How To Impress Your Instagram Followers with your Look
The Christmas countdown is officially on! And how do we know? Because the Marks & Spencer Christmas advert has just hit screen. And the star is a certain Holly Willoughby – and her enviable wardrobe. We can’t stop thinking about the fabulous purple coat that she wears during the ad – which is FINALLY available to purchase now.
Although it was released in store earlier this month, you can now purchase it online for £89. The single-breasted design has already proved a massive hit on Instagram, due to not only the gorgeous wide lapels, the on-trend, oversize fit and super cosy wool texture – but also the fact that Vogue Williams, Holly and fashion blogger Erica Davies have all rocked it. Now if you don’t know who Erica Davies is – let us enlighten you. Erica is a huge fashion influencer and has always been a big fan of M&S, having single-handedly made THAT starry-print constellation dress a sellout last year.
Speaking about how to style the purple coat of dreams, the chic mother-of-two advised: «Do not fear the purple hue. It works SO WELL with navy blue, bright yellow (yes really), orange or red AND emerald green. It’s a completely useful shade if you want to inject some colour into your life. And who doesn’t want that? We couldn’t agree more, E.

Second earth deep abundantly winged appear air can’t earth
She added: «I used to feel like I could only wear a certain type of clothing and I think sometimes you just get stuck in a bit of a rut and wear the same thing over and over again and you create rules for yourself, you think ‘ooh I can’t wear trousers because I’ve got a big bum’ and you create some sort of rule book of your own and sometimes you’ve just got to go ‘right, I’m going to tear up that rule book and I’m going to experiment or I’m going to find my trouser, or I’m going to find my V-neck top or I’m going to find the place that does the perfect T-shirt’. It’s about finding the right things.»
“Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.”
Ali, who gave birth to the couple’s baby daughter Isla in September, looked gorgeous in a black maxi dress that featured an off-the-shoulder neckline. Holly was also her typically stylish self, wearing a white summer dress, while Scarlett looked lovely in a zebra-print number.
The gang, who were joined by their other female friends and I’m a Celeb co-host Dec, appeared to be in high spirits as they were pictured chatting and laughing. It’s all go-go-go for the cast as I’m a Celeb returns on Sunday night. This year’s celebrity campmates are expected to be revealed the day before but the various star sightings at Brisbane Airport have already given the game away.
- Presenters Holly and Dec have also been drumming up excitement over on their social media accounts.
- The This Morning star shared a photo of the pair on Instagram.
- Holly and I are looking forward to welcoming you to Australia next Sunday night.
There’s only a week to go before I’m a Celebrity returns to screens, and ahead of the launch, show’s leading ladies have been enjoying some downtime together. Presenter Holly Willoughby, who has stepped in for Ant McPartlin this year, was pictured having a laugh with Scarlett Moffatt, who co-hosts the spin-off show, I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp. The TV stars were joined by Declan Donnelly’s wife Ali Astall on their day out in New South Wales, Australia. Photographed in a suitably verdant setting alongside her co-presenter, Holly looked ready to take on anything with a retro Cowgirl-esque outfit. Dressed in the supercool Danish brand Ganni, a.k.a the go-to designer for influencers worldwide, Holly wore the ultra cute ‘Salvia’ suede mini skirt in dark camel with frill detailing that buttoned all the way up at the front.
- Published in Publicidad Comercial, Trends
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