Patrulla Fronteriza se burla en redes de migrantes muertos
CHICAGO, Illinois. * 1 de julio de 2019.
] Newsweek
Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza de Estados Unido tienen un grupo secreto en Facebook en donde se burlan de las muertes de migrantes y comparten imágenes que denigran a congresistas estadounidenses, reveló la organización ProPublica. De acuerdo con el reporte, el grupo llamado “I’m 10-15” (un código para migrantes detenidos) se creó en agosto del 2016 y cuenta con 9,500 miembros, entre los que se encuentran funcionarios en activo y retirados. Esta comunidad se describe como un foro para discusiones “divertidas” y “serias” sobre el trabajo de la patrulla. “Recuerda que nunca estás solo en esta familia”, añade la descripción.
ProPublica exhibió que los miembros del grupo respondieron con indiferencia y bromas sobre un migrante guatemalteco que murió en mayo bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza. Una de las personas respondió: “Si se muere, se muere”. En otra publicación, uno de los integrantes compartió la imagen del migrante salvadoreño Óscar y su hija Valeria, quienes murieron el fin de semana pasado al intentar cruzar el Río Grande para buscar asilo en Estados Unidos. La persona sugiere que la imagen pudo haber sido alterada porque los cuerpos se veían muy “limpios”. “Esta podría ser otra foto editada. Todos hemos visto a los dems (demócratas) y los partidos liberales hacer algunas cosas muy enfermas”, señaló. La Patrulla Fronteriza, señala la organización, cuenta con 20,000 agentes, se encarga de vigilar los límites de Estados Unidos y ha estado bajo escrutinio por la administración de Donald Trump.
La semana pasada se exhibieron los malos tratos de las instalaciones fronterizas en donde se encuentran niños y adultos. Además, cinco niños bajo custodia de la Patrulla Fronteriza han muerto desde noviembre del año pasado. Horas después de la publicación del texto, la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglés) dijo que había iniciado la pesquisa tras enterarse de la “perturbadora actividad en las redes sociales organizada en un grupo privado de Facebook que puede incluir a varios empleados” Xenofobia y racismo contras legisladora Además de los ataques contra migrantes, la organización encontró que en el grupo se hacían publicaciones contra la legisladora demócrata Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, quien visita un centro de detención a migrantes este lunes. Una de las personas llamó a crear una campaña de financiamiento para que alguien aventara burritos “a una de esas perras”. Otro de las publicaciones muestra una edición de una fotografía en donde aparece la legisladora practicando sexo oral a Trump.
“9,500 oficiales de CBP compartiendo memes sobre migrantes muertos y discutiendo sobre violencia y conducta sexual inapropiada hacia miembros del Congreso. ¿Cómo se puede confiar en la cultura de CBP para cuidar humanamente a los refugiados?”, escribió Ocasio-Cortez en Twitter.
- Published in DESTACADAS
Young family ignored advice against border swim
MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas. * 26 de junio de 2019.
] AP
The young family from El Salvador appeared in this border city over the weekend with panic on their faces.
They went to the downtown bridge that leads to Brownsville, Texas, where Xiomara Mejia, a migrant from Honduras, explained that the newcomers would not be able to add their names to the long list of families waiting to apply for asylum in the United States until Monday.
“I noticed they were really nervous, scared,” said Mejia, who had arrived in Matamoros with her husband and three children on May 8 and was still waiting to file an asylum application with the U.S. government.
After chatting, the Salvadoran family said they would come back Monday.
“I didn’t think they were going to decide to cross the river,” Mejia said.
But on Sunday, not far downriver from that bridge, the family crossed a popular bike and jogging path and walked down a slope through the brush to the edge of the Rio Grande.
The river does not appear wide there, maybe 20 to 30 yards, but that short distance obscures the dangers posed by the swift-moving current.
In a Salvadoran chat group for people thinking about forming a migrant caravan — a phenomenon that drew the ire of U.S. President Donald Trump last year but has all but vanished since Mexican authorities started cracking down — participants discussed the perils of the journey and whether it’s right for parents to take children along.
“If one goes there, they shouldn’t bring children, because going there is risking everything and a child is not prepared for that,” one message said.
“The thing is, it’s more likely that they give you help with children,” someone replied.
“But that’s only if they manage to arrive there,” came the response.
Migration activists worry people may be driven to more risky measures by recent U.S. policies such as “metering” that dramatically reduce the numbers allowed to apply for refuge, as well as others that send asylum-seekers back across the border to wait in Mexico while their cases linger for months or even longer through a backlogged U.S. immigration court system. Wait lists for registering refugee claims with U.S. officials are in the thousands at some ports of entry.
Mexico has also stepped up its immigration enforcement under pressure from Washington.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Thursday that Mexico had a three-month deadline to get the flow of Central American migrants under control and that the country is making progress.
López Obrador did not explicitly say the Sept. 10 deadline had been imposed as part of talks with the U.S. government to avoid tariffs on Mexican exports, but that appears to be the case.
“We think we are going to be able to moderate the migratory phenomenon. We have to,” López Obrador said. “We have a deadline, which is three months, ending Sept. 10, but we are doing well.”
He added that the number of migrants passing through Mexico had doubled in recent times.
Meanwhile, migrant shelters on the Mexico side are overflowing, and in places like Tamaulipas state, where Matamoros is located, cartels and gangs extort, kidnap and murder migrants.
At the downtown bridge Wednesday, Mejia was sure she made the right decision to endure the long wait to make her asylum bid, even though she had seen other families grow desperate with the wait.
She has a daughter with a brain tumor who needs surgery, but they have some relatives in Matamoros who they have been able to stay with, she said.
“We don’t want to cross (through the river), we want to enter through legal channels to the United States and make the case,” Mejia said.
- Published in World News